The world is not, what it appears to be… Nature’s technology is much advance! Our naked eyes see the front picture only but there is much more behind the scene.
The surfaces of the unknown that our limited technologies and scientific research are helping us explore now, nature is expert deep through them all, we just need to collaborate with it..
The universe and the planet by nature are in perfect form. What we need to change is ‘us’ deep within our core, in order to get in sync with the eternal harmony and transformation.
Try and find these deep but very clear messages through the consistent patterns that nature is using as reminders all around and within us…
The artworks are emphasizing the importance of finding our true purpose, and that each one of us are enough in our own capacities and that resources are always available if we have the right connection with our inner conscious, curiosity, energies and the holistic purpose of the universe.
All art pieces are carrying connected energies, inspired by nature, cosmos and everything that is within and around us using only word ‘Allah’.
“…and He (Allah) is with you wherever you are…”(Surah Hadeed, Al Quran (57):4)